““The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on the old, but on building the new” ”
Hi There! I’m Emily Whipple and I am a certified Health and Life Coach, a Functional Nutrition Guide AND the Health & Wellness teacher at Aspen Middle School. Yes…you could say I like to stay busy :) My mission and focus is to help everyone and anyone get their health on track and have the healthy body and lifestyle they want through positive habit change and my personalized coaching programs. My goal is to get you from where you are NOW to where you want to BE.
Do you struggle with your current lifestyle and wish to create healthier habits that fit into your life and actually last?
Are you confused on where to start, what diet trend to follow or what getting healthy looks like for you?
Do you want to lose some weight and finally get the body you’ve been telling yourself that “one day” you’ll have?
We’ve all been there…and that feeling of not knowing what to do or what to eat or what to change to achieve the results you want can weigh heavily on you and discourage you from ever wanting to break that unforgiving cycle.
Changing your habits and getting yourself healthy and more focused on you is not easy and not something that has to be done alone! Knowledge is only a fraction of the battle and does not create behavior or habit change.
But if you know how to work with your body, instead of against it, your ability to shift the way you approach your health and wellness will become second nature and a positive future lifestyle change.
Let me help YOU and with me by your side, I will both support and stretch you to become the best version of yourself and finally get you living your best life!
WHy i became a health & life coach
I started this journey to become a Health and Life Coach because I found myself constantly inundated with conflicting health and wellness information that left me confused, overwhelmed, anxious and stressed. Even worse, I felt I was constantly battling with my own health and always looking for the next trend or fad to solve my problems - which was usually unhealthy and more often caused weight gain, skin irritations, gut and digestive issues.
My biggest struggle was discovering which foods to eat and what habits to change to get MY health back on track and get me back to feeling healthy and happy with myself. I couldn’t help but think - I can’t be the ONLY one confused and conflicted on what to do, where to start, what to eat, how to feel better and be truly healthy!
That’s when my focus shifted and I knew I wanted to help others who were also struggling with the same dilemmas. So…I became a health coach to become that source of guidance and strength to help others get their health on track to live their best lives!